Strategic Life Refinement Program
Designed & Led By You!
The Strategic Life Refinement Program includes directed steps and customized materials (coaching sessions, training and instruction guides, progress reports, performance indicators, tracking tools, etc).
Discuss Your Program - Your Drivers & Your Needs!
Step 1: Review
Design a Strategic Life Refinement plan by selecting the activities identified from several different Element Themes or complete a deep dive exploration on one Element Theme Activity.
Each plan will also include your specialized roadmap and training guide that will provide you with your steps and materials needed to move you forward to another level.
Let’s Partner together to discuss your program premise, your drivers and your needs!
6 Program Themes & Program Elements
Theme 1: Strategy Sessions
Theme 2: Strategic Tips
Theme 3: Between-Session Homework Plans
Theme 4: Progress Debrief
Theme 5: Specialized, Strategic, Support Tools
Theme 6: Personal Goals Aligned With Your Truth
Theme 1:
Strategy Sessions
During this time, your vision is created with integrated supporting activities and a clear, effective communications stance on what competitive advantages you will achieve and sustain from these sessions.
- Create your vision and supporting mantra
- Identify your objectives / goals
- Define what makes your unique
- Determine core values
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses
- Determine supports and resources
- Discuss issues, concerns, challenges, and interests
- List your current tools, processes, programs, resources, and support systems
- Establish and build your most effective path forward and follow best practices
- Develop a long-term plan will encourage you to achieve your strategic goals and objectives
- Assign activities that operate in alignment with your determined timeframes and identified support systems and resources
Theme 4:
Progress Debrief
Processing | Positioning | Reflecting | Discussing | Consistent Cycle
The ‘Progress Debrief’ Element Theme is time set aside for processing, positioning, reflecting and discussing, in a timely and consistent cycle, your strategic and tactical approach to reach your goals.
- Gather insights and prepare structured conversation notes on where you currently are and where you would like to be
- Discuss what did and didn’t go well with your efforts and actions
- Dig into why things happened and what brought you to your current state and situation
- Explore implications of the future if you continue on the path you are on and if you were to make changes
- Schedule of progress debriefings is dependent upon the nature of your work and effort: When and how often you want to hold debriefings depends on the nature of your work and effort
- Celebrate success at each point in the process and don’t wait for what you determine to be your ‘big win’
- What are the activities and actions that you will undertake to bring you closer to your goals and objectives
- Identify the challenges to be addressed and the opportunities to be pursued
- Adopt a learning mindset: What will you leave behind – the way you talk and the way you think about your story?
- Evolve plans and continuously perform a current status check: Do you need to re-calibrate – make changes – to your activities, elements and support systems?
- Identify a timely progress debriefing schedule and include personal and accountability markers and assessment products
- Communicate what you need, observed and learned from your activities to your partners, alliances, relationships and to yourself
- Complete assessment debriefings after each significant event or project milestone
Theme 2:
Strategic Tips
The ‘Strategic Tips’ Element Theme is time set aside for big-picture, strategic thinking and the attainment of key commitments from your partners, alliances, support systems, and yourself.
- Get commitment from support systems
- Determine planning process and implementation plan
- Develop a framework – Big Picture, Strategic Thinking that will have several levels and supporting activities to support main goals
- Develop a guiding policy and create coherent policies and actions
- Don’t over plan – leave room for ‘destiny’ to unfold
- Celebrate success at each point in the process and don’t wait for what you determine to be your ‘big win’
- Thinking – Regular, Routine, Strategic
- Plan designed to simplify, distinguish and extend thinking beyond habitual limited patterns
- Identify actions and steps towards your long-term vision
- Develop and identify tools for use during your intermittent progress, analysis and review
Theme 5:
Specialized, Strategic Support Tools
The ‘Strategic Tips’ Element Theme is time set aside to identify, explore and operate the programs and services required to support quality instruction and collaboration towards the attainment of your goals.
- Restate your goals and objectives
- Carry out strategic planning activities: 1) Information gathering of strengths and weakness of programs and tools that you use. 2) Strategy formation towards the building and development of individualized programs and tools. 3) Identification of decision-making points and markers to determine continuation and/or course correction
- Determine supporting activities and elements so that you can know, monitor and measure moments of success
- Present the tools that you used and/or the tools that you would like to use and identify what has worked in the past, the areas and tools that you think would work for you
- Desire to truly understand root cause of our success and failures, so you can know which activities should be repeated and which activities should be adjusted and/or changed
- Identify what you should start, stop or continue doing, including how that interacts and requires adjustments with your behaviour and/or change of plans
- Identify the tools that you use, would like to use and present the challenges in moving forward with those tools
- Identify your learning style and outline your ideal way, including the tools and services that would best help you move forward
- Address challenges that arise from the implementation of your elements to allow for course correction
- Communicate your needs, challenges, opportunities with interested strategic stakeholders
- Present incentives, information objectives and interaction strategies to stakeholders, partners and alliances
- Strengthen personal involvement with partners and critical players to foster team support, relationships and alliances
- Align activities, tools, programs and services in support of personal values, purpose, long-term growth and higher performance
- Thinking – Regular, Routine, Strategic
- Plan designed to simplify, distinguish and extend thinking beyond habitual limited patterns
- Identify actions and steps towards your long-term vision
- Develop and identify tools for use during your intermittent progress, analysis and review
Theme 3:
Between-Session Homework Plans
The ‘Between-Session Homework Plans’ Element Theme is time set aside for governance, accountability, understanding, evaluating and budgeting of time and support resources towards reaching your goals.
- Write down assignment and elements involved with moving you forward
- Question your current situation – what has led you to this point and what is involved with moving you forward?
- Eliminate obstacles and excuses from your thinking, speech and relationship
- Establish the length of time it will take to complete the assignments and each element
- Practice what has already been learned and discussed
- If you feel stuck, try to figure out the problem as best as you can and look for new ways to proceed
- Take breaks, relax and stretch your thinking to moving forward a different way
- Get help when you need it. Sometimes it helps to have someone new explain something in a different way
- Identify resources and support systems, alliances and partnerships
- Assignment of tasks and elements
- Alignment of assignment, tasks, elements with ‘purpose’, goals, relationships
- Set aside specific times to complete, review and debrief progress made on assignments and exercises
- Thinking – Regular, Routine, Strategic
- Plan designed to simplify, distinguish and extend thinking beyond habitual limited patterns
- Identify actions and steps towards your long-term vision
- Develop and identify tools for use during your intermittent progress, analysis and review
Theme 6:
Personal Goals Aligned With Your Truth
The ‘Personal Goals Aligned With Your Truth’ Element Theme is time set aside to dentify, explore and operate the programs and services to support quality instruction and collaboration towards the attainment of your goals.
- Pursuit and achievement of personal goals, while having fun, working hard and living effortlessly
- Acknowledging and honouring your purpose through service
- Gauge whether your goals are truly in alignment with your purpose and whether achievement of your goals will support your life purpose
- Work to experience changes in your clarity, confidence and ability to achieve your dreams
- Focus on your highest priorities and develop the skills necessary to become a happier, more confident and focused individual
- Set, realize and achieve goals towards unlocking your full potential – accurate knowledge is placed ahead of egos
- Enjoy life and elevate your presence and sound in the world
- Cultivate an inner guidance system that will evaluate whether your goal is aligned with your purpose and/or need course correction
- Probe deeper into your root desires on why and what will life look like when you achieve your goals
- Develop clarity of mind and determine if the goals that you set are truly your goals from an outside influence
- Recognition that probing deeper into the root desire of your goals may be deeper into the root desire of your goals may be achieved when you remain open and consider all the ways that you can experience what you truly want to feel and be; and make those goals
- Capture the lessons learned an operational format for later reference, use and teachings to others